Bridging the worlds of NNTP clients and RSS feeds, nntp//rss is an application that will enable you to use your existing favorite NNTP newsreader to read your information channels.
nntp//rss is a Java-based bridge between RSS feeds and NNTP clients,
enabling you to read your favorite RSS syndicated content within your
existing NNTP newsreader. RSS feeds are represented as NNTP newsgroups,
providing a simple, straightforward and familiar environment for news
nntp//rss contains both an NNTP server and an RSS aggregator, with a web
interface for administration and monitoring. Installation is as simple as
unpacking the distribution and running the application. It has been tested
against popular NNTP newsreaders, including Mozilla, Outlook Express,
MT-NewsWatcher, Free Agent, and text-based readers such as Gnus, tin and nn.
Check out nntp//rss now:
Start up your newsreader and point it to our
demo server:
(You can click on the link below to start your machine's default newsreader)
This is an actual nntp//rss deployment, pre-configured with some popular feeds.
Note that this demo service is running on a trial basis, and is subject to
interruption at any time.
If you like what you see, you can download a copy.
Project Status:
October 25, 2004: nntp//rss v0.5-beta-1
Over five thousand downloads and many months later, I've finally got around to
releasing the first public beta of nntp//rss v0.5. It now features
Apache Derby as the new embedded database, support for MySQL, along with a number
of bug fixes and new features including Categories, Atom support, and OPML import / export.
July 13, 2003: nntp//rss and INN
Jeff Vinocur has created a great document (and accompanying script) that describes how
you can pull items from nntp//rss into an INN server. If you have an
existing INN server within your group or organization, this is a great way to
rapidly expose RSS feeds to your users. Thanks Jeff!
June 27, 2003: Quick update... (1663 downloads and counting)
The hosting change over has gone (relatively) smoothly, and we now have message forums up and
running. The more observant may have noticed the link appearing a few weeks back over on the
left column of the website. There are various forums to discuss the current release, feature
requests and useful hints and tips.
Now, onto a more important topic: version 0.4. I realize a bunch of you are crying
out for this release. Be sure that I am still working to getting this finished! Work
commitments have slowed down development, but I'm still working towards the next release.
The Jakarta Commons HTTPClient project recently went into a more stable beta form, and those
updates have been rolled into 0.4. xhtml:body support has also been included,
as well as support for item-level authors (very useful for feeds that contain items aggregated
from multiple publishers).
There have now been over 1600 downloads of nntp//rss, which is great! I'm closely following the
emerging standards (e.g. Echo), and will look to fold support for these into nntp//rss at the
appropriate time.
Keep a close watch on this site, as well as the forums and
my blog for further updates.
[Project Status Archive...]
Current Version: 0.3 (Stable) / 0.5 (Development)
nntp//rss v0.3 | nntp//rss v0.3 nntprss.jar patched for metaweblog fix
nntp//rss v0.5-beta-1
nntp//rss uses Java™
Installation README v0.3 | v0.5
Windows Service HOWTO - Updated for JavaService
Bookmarklet for RSS auto-discovery - Ben Meadowcroft (
How to get articles from nntp//rss to INN - Jeff Vinocur
Project Team:
Jason Brome (jason at
Useful Resources:
Visit the nntp//rss project home at SourceForge.
Browse the CVS repository.
Mailing List:
Join the nntp//rss mailing list at Yahoo Groups.
Contact Information:
Contact the project:
nntp//rss uses components from the following great projects:
Jetty - Java HTTP Server & Servlet Container
Apache Derby - A full functioned relational embedded database engine
HSQLDB - Lightweight 100% Java SQL Database Engine
Jakarta Commons - Repository of reusable Java components
Jakarta Log4j - A reliable, fast and extensible logging library for Java
Crimson - Java XML parser
SysTray for Java - Enables Java applications to access the system tray
Apache XML-RPC - a Java implementation of XML-RPC